Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Nancy Pearl & Reader's Advisory

I had the pleasure on Monday, June 8th to hear Nancy Pearl speak. It was great. The topic was reader’s advisory, a session at the Institute for School and Public Librarians at Bradley. Key points I learned from Nancy—
  • Reader’s Advisory is not about recommending books but suggesting books.
  • Give readers three books, one just like or close to the one they just read, one that is similar or pretty close to what they just read and one that is a stretch for them such as non-fiction on a topic or setting of the book just read.
  • There are four doorways to enjoy fictions books: story, characters, setting and language.
  • Asking the reader “Why they liked the book” gives you an idea of which doorway appeals to them.

“I could not put the book down,” they were attracted to the story.

“The main character was so quirky I loved them,” then they are attracted to characters.

“I felt as if I was there,” setting is key to their enjoyment of books.

“This book had such beautiful descriptions,” then they like the language.

I now have a deeper understanding of why I love certain books and I have some new books and authors to read. I can’t wait to begin.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Summer Reading

Summer reading is on my mind today.

I read a post from Library Link of the Day that talked about summer reading and its importance to kids. The post came from TwinCities.com. That’s right the twin cities as in Minniapolis/St. Paul. They give some facts then many suggestions on how to help your child to keep the reading and writing skills they have in May so that when they start school in September they have not lost ground.

Soon there will also be a summer reading suggestion list from me on the RPLS Front Page.

Happy reading!!