Friday, July 24, 2009

George and Joan

The ASCLA Presidents program features John Frye Williams and George Needham. The theme of their presentation was “Revitalizing the Library Experience.” They focused on how to provide the customer with the service they need. Here are some nuggets of information.

As Librarians we tend to focus on what we do in the library and not on What the Customer needs or wants. Instead we should always focus on the customer and what they need, what they want, and ask ourselves, do we know them?

We value the privacy of our patrons but have we “chosen ignorance in the name of confidentiality?” We do not talk to the customer and ask how they are doing; instead we say we can not know about you because it is private. However, if we are to help the patron, we need to build a relationship with them and that means talking with them and learning about them.

Many of our customers use the library independently with out mediation of staff. Do we set them up for success or failure? They should not have to learn our library jargon. Policies should not hinder the patron’s access to information. Use them as “tools and not rules” when dealing with patrons. Think of library services as layers. The time a patron has will determine how much help or instruction you give. A busy mom wants to borrow a book from another library, the librarian handles the request. At a later point in time the same mom has more time to spend in the library because Johnny or Mary is at a play date. This is the time to show her how to go
online and request a book by her self.

Oh and we must remember that much of the library experience customers have takes place outside of the library. So when they come in is the library welcoming, clean, neat, and well signed. Does the staff welcome the customer or do they “look at the patron as a walking work load.”

More on what George and Joan said next week. Learn more about George and Joan at their new website.

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