Thursday, February 12, 2009

Virtual Meetings 2

While Monday I reported frustration with the virtual OCLC Members Council meeting, I am happy to report the next two days of meetings went much smoother. I had some problems with sound but there was a backup Phone alternative that I used.

One thing we found is that on Tuesday, we were discussing some contentious issues. As members we only had chat as a way of communicating. The questions and responses were quite thoughtful and also respectful. More people seemed to be contributing, partially because there was no public speaking. Bottom line we had a good discussion and exchange of ideas.On

Wednesday, the presentation was on “What Makes Virtual Organizations (teams) Work Well? “ The idea of face-to-face meetings and when they are appropriate and when not was questioned. There are definitely times when it is imperative to have those face-to-face meetings. However, much time can be saved by using virtual methods of holding meetings for routine types of activities. Several people commented that because we had met face-to-face before, we knew each other, had a sense of who the person was and a level of respect and trust had been built. Because of this that conversation by chat on Tuesday was able to be successful.

Bottom line virtual meetings can work but, it takes effort on the part of attendees to make them work. Virtual meetings work better if there has been a face-to-face meeting prior to the virtual one. More virtual meetings will be in my future and in yours.

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